Friday, March 16, 2012

Panda Watch, Day 11: Wins Requirement

A message from our commissioner:


First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for voting- we had an exceptional turnout, with 30 of the 32 franchises chiming in. There was an overwhelming majority that voted for some kind of wins requirement, and although it was close, the league chose 100 wins over 2 seasons with automatic dismissal. The breakdown was 3 for no requirement, 12 for wins floor with voting, and 15 for the wins floor and automatic dismissal. As it was mentioned when this was first brought up, this won't take effect until next season (19). Therefore, the first opportunity for a dismissal due to a lack of wins will be after Season 20.  The wins requirement will be updated in the the private world rules before the end of this season. This is what I have so far, let me know if anyone has any thoughts or objections to the wording:

Owners must win 100 games over every 2 season period or will not be allowed to return for the following season. Any returning team winning fewer than 55 games will be warned at the end of said season (by trade chat and sitemail) and will be notified the number of wins necessary to avoid dismissal at the beginning of the following season.

There were a number of owners who felt the 100 wins/2 years was a little too easy, so we will see how this goes and discuss adding a year 3 requirement sometime after Season 20.  Please TC me with any questions or comments.  Thanks-

-Commish (bjharder)

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